Українці, що зараз перебувають у Бельгії, намагаються допомагати Україні, привертаючи увагу до наших потреб та демонструючи свою небайдужість, шукають прихильників.
Ukrainians who are currently in Belgium are trying to help Ukraine, drawing
attention to our needs and showing their concern, looking for supporters. Our
colleague, who together with her family found a
temporary shelter in The Hague, also found an opportunity to help Ukraine. They
regularly issue an official permit, prepare posters as a whole family and
constantly go to stand in front of the European Parliament. When workers go to
work, they communicate with the participants of such a picket. For the most
part, people cheer and express their solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
Today, the family received permission to picket and for two hours, from 8:00
a.m. to 10:00 a.m., they stood with posters under the walls of the European
Parliament. They were guarded by the local police for two hours. Thanks to our
volunteers! We will win!