Гуманітарний вантаж оперативно та швидко доправили до села.
Працівники фельдшерсько-акушерського пункту села Берестянка зараз не тільки
лікують людей, а й передають їм гуманітарну допомогу.
Взаємопідтримка, волонтерський рух, взаємодопомога українців і всього світу
Україні - це початок тих принципів створення ядра Братерства людства, які
сповідує Теософське Товариство і які стверджуються зараз на теренах нашої
рідної України. Ще раз велика сердечна
вдячність нашим колегам з Німеччини та нашому волонтеру ТОС Миколі Щербині.
Kyiv region will continue to heal wounds inflicted during hostilities and
Russian occupation for a long time to come. On April 28, the humanitarian aid
collected by our TOS was received by the residents of another
village near Borodyanka, the village of Berestyanka, whose residents had been
under occupation for a month. With the financial support of the German
Theosophical Order of Service, as well as residents of the Oryshka housing estate
in the village of Kryukivshchyna and residents of the Mytets housing estate in
Kyiv, a large amount of humanitarian aid was purchased for the victims,
including children under six. Residents of Oryshok also collected blankets, bed
linen, clothes and products from their personal household.
The humanitarian cargo was promptly and quickly delivered to the village.
Employees of the first-aid post in the village of Berestyanka are now not
only treating people, but also giving them humanitarian aid.
Mutual support, volunteer movement, mutual assistance of Ukrainians and the
whole world to Ukraine - this is the beginning of the principles of creating
the core of the Brotherhood of Mankind, which professes the Theosophical
Society and which are now affirmed in our native Ukraine. Once again, a
heartfelt thank you to our colleagues from Germany and our TOS volunteer Mykola Shcherbyna.